Why I Hate Zen (A Concise Rant)

by Catherine

First of all, I don’t actually hate the idea of Zen in itself. It seems perfectly peachy if that’s what you’re into. But what I’m raving about right now is the fact that it is convoluted into all sorts of different things. Like workshops and memberships and expensive retreats.

I hate that Zen is a selling point.

I don’t mind that most stuff is sold. But Zen is about spirituality and simplicity, at least to my knowledge it is. So it just gives me a bit of a creepy feeling that it is often used to get you to buy something from someone who is “better” than you. It’s downright hypocritical.

Okay. Rant over. Here’s a picture of a cat:

Okay. I feel slightly better now. What are your thoughts on the matter?